The Design Village

Interior designers share their best designs for small space ideas!





Bachelor of Design (Honours)

Undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in design, in collaboration with OP Jindal University

Let’s start by understanding the major difference between interior designers and decorators:

Interior design is defined as the art and practice of studying people’s behavior in order to create functional spaces within a structure, whereas interior decorating is the furnishing or embellishment of a place with attractive items to achieve a specific aesthetic. So, interior designers can decorate, but decorators don’t design.

Today, moreover, Interior design is recognized as a complex design process in and of itself, involving a wholesome combination of holistic, creative, social, and cultural roots that form the foundation and basic bricks for a person’s comfortable functioning within a space. It is the culmination of all the design elements and principles used to create a space from the ground up. In the context of interior design, it is defined as any habitable and human-centered space within a closed structure.

Some interior design ideas for small spaces are:

For the interior design of a limited amount of space, it is necessary to find the most innovative solutions to furnish this space. It’s not necessary to focus all of your design efforts on making a tiny place appear larger. Small spaces may be lovely if you make the most of them with strategic décor and adequate comfort. Questions to consider including while designing small spaces are how usable and effective in this space? How can more be added in fewer amounts of space? How accessible the design is for the user? For example: considering multi-use furniture. Versatile furniture and all those alternatives will lead to getting the most out of small spaces, and it is preferable to use furniture that can be converted from another function so that the furniture pieces perform more than one function while taking up a small space in the house. Multipurpose furniture is the product of practical and inventive interior design solutions to the problem of limited living space created by world population growth, financial crises, and the tendency of countries to expand horizontally.

These are the 5 important things to consider while designing small spaces:

  1. Storage is key
  2. Lighting that makes a statement
  3. Color and pattern
  4. Absence of Symmetry
  5. Don’t make it too small

Storage is key

The most important thing to keep in mind while designing small spaces is that storage is key. There doesn’t matter how much space you have, it never seems to be enough. When you’re working with a small space, to begin with, stowing all of your possessions with limited storage alternatives may seem difficult. The region above your doors is by far the most under-utilized space in your home. You can think about utilizing that or wall storage. This keeps trash managed and the rest of your living area open and airy, making it appear larger. Installing shelves on your wall will provide you with plenty of storage while also freeing up space that would otherwise be wasted. It is better to use spaces vertically than horizontally. Don’t underestimate the impact of furniture with concealed storage. Items with hidden storage, such as tufted benches, couches, and beds, act as both clutter hiders and functional furniture.

Lighting that makes a statement

In a living room, lighting contributes to the ambiance. Larger rooms provide additional alternatives, such as methods to let natural light in, space for a variety of lamps or fixtures, and so on. In a smaller space, on the other hand, you might be tempted to go for a more minimalist approach so that lighting doesn’t take up a lot of room. With a small lighting design, the number of lights doesn’t necessarily matter, it all depends on how much space you have and what you’re going to do with it. The greater versatility the better it is, so start thinking with lighting in the form of layers for the small spaces.

Color and pattern

Bold color and pattern take center stage in small areas. Small spaces, perhaps even more so than larger rooms, lend themselves to pattern blending because the eye has more places to rest. In smaller rooms, it’s crucial to maintain the scale of patterns and colors proportional, keeping in mind the delicate dance each element performs inside the space. It should be engaging and attractive without becoming overbearing. Whether it’s bright and airy or dark and dramatic, stick to a limited color palette.

Absence of Symmetry

Because you don’t have all of that space in a smaller place, you may instead have some freedom developing an appealing design that isn’t symmetrical. You might very well discover that this encourages you to be more creative in your approach to the process and to be more selective with specific furnishings or decorations. The bulk of interiors are created with a single purpose in mind: visual balance which still needs to be maintained. This equilibrium can be created by dispersing things and accessories across space to create a sense of balance. The visual weight of an object is determined by its size, as well as its surface, overall shape, and color.

Don’t make it too small

In a small room, there’s no need to employ miniature furniture and decor. The trick is to select a few statement pieces that will capture attention. Regular-size furniture and large-scale art can be used; you’ll just need to utilize fewer pieces in total. To add interest to your pad, use large-scale designs and brightly colored accessories. Bright draperies hanging close to the ceiling or bold wallpaper in a color scheme that unites your rooms will provide focal points to distract the eye from a lack of excess space. The only thing to think about is scale and proportion.



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